How Idea Works

Experience the convenience of idea Cleaning Solution pouches that effortlessly fills any 32 oz. spray bottle or jug. With its concentrated formula, you simply dilute it with water to unlock approximately 900 powerful sprays!

Join us in our mission to reduce single-use plastics!

  • Pair your empty glass cleaning bottle with idea's glass cleaning concentrate, add water and you'll see how stunning it is outside.
  • Pair your empty all-purpose cleaning bottle with the idea's all-purpose cleaning concentrate, mix in water and have a blast erasing the grime.
  • Pair your vacant bathroom scrubber with idea's bathroom cleaning concentrate, mix in some H2O, and give that throne a good sanitizing!
  • Pair your empty bleach jug with idea's potent and concentrated bleach, dilute with water and brace yourself for a powerhouse formula!

I have an idea, let's reuse those empty bottles!

save your bottles, save the planet. save your jugs, save the planet. idea cleaning solutions are designed to refill your empty household cleaning bottles.

Tips on how to properly clean and reuse your empty bottles: It's important to always used like for like when it comes to properly reusing your household bottles with idea cleaning solutions. Always match your bottle and do not mix the chemicals, they will not clean the same. All-purpose cleaner does not have the same formulation as glass cleaner, mixing them will not allow idea to sparkle and shine.  Please note that even when you've washed out your bottles, they should always contain a like product. Never mix bleach with any other household chemicals or in a bottle used for anything other than bleach. Safety first and remember to never mix.